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How lucid dreaming can help you achieve your goals and desires

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Lucid dreams are part of a sophisticated universal energy world in which we go beyond and experience our deepest fantasies and desires, and it can offer so much more, such as clairvoyant powers. We all have a wide variety of dreams that we would like to experience - specially from a point of lucidity. In a lucid dream we yearn to have those things become alive, and we engage our thoughts and consciousness to awaken while dreaming in order to be able to immerse within those unique moments.

Some of us might dream about being with someone we deeply desire; a celebrity we admire, or perhaps someone we cannot connect with in real life due to living circumstances. Some of us prefer to lucid dream about traveling to far away exotic lands, and perhaps traveling via some futuristic jet, or perhaps just our bodies flying through the heavens. Yet, others dream to find answers to their questions, or for inspiration. The images that we can evoke via lucid dreams are endless. And the best part is that you yourself can conduct those dreams as if you were a composer, and you have the capability to open new doors, new worlds, and guide your spirit within that realm.

Lucid dreams can help you achieve your goals and desires no matter how far away they might be. This goes far beyond simple inspiration… a lucid dream can break down barriers so that you may see what was impossible suddenly shift and realign to find a way to make it possible.

In lucid dreams nothing can hold you back from connecting with your one true desire. And furthermore, you can examine the steps that were taken to make it all possible. You can backtrack those steps, backwards engineer the process, and discover just how it is that you can now achieve this one desire in real life. You can discover and learn how to make it all possible once you awaken. Lucid dreams gives you answers.

If you prepare yourself before embarking into lucid dreaming, you already have questions to ask, and during your lucid dream you will attain the answers.

You might be amazed that even questions as to which answers have not yet been formulated in real life, might suddenly appear via a dream. This is directly connected to clairvoyant powers, ones which can also be attained via a lucid dream. You can now discover more about the past, present, and future.

Lucid dreams can help you achieve your goals by showing you the right steps; the process as to how to best get there. If you are able to look at the issue or problem from this new dimension - you will gain new insights that could not be attained from everyday life. This has happened to great people like Michael Jackson who spoke of discovering some of his best songs via dreams. This has also happened to people like Albert Einstein, who regular spoke about discovering answers to complex problems via his nightly dreams. And it has happen to many regular folks that have discovered dream premonitions that greatly helped them in their lives. Discovering how to achieve goals via lucid dreams is attainable to everyone.

It all comes down to your inner energy as it connects and it expands via lucid dreams, and is able to connect with universal energies. Understand that such energies are made of vibrational waveforms that seek compatibility through the universe. Once it is able to find a match, it syncs into a higher dimension in which creations occur within a higher order. In this higher dimension we see, feel, and experience things differently. You come to the realization that this is so different from your daily life - yet it is so similar. It’s almost as if both are two alternate worlds, and you are the vessel by which to connect these worlds to make all your goals and dreams come true — your dreams of harmony, light, and higher vibrancy.

Without going in much deeper into the esoteric, let me just say that this energy to attain what you truly desire is within yourself already, and it’s also within the universe. You are that vessel, that bridge that must connect them both to make your dreams and desires come true. How will you connect them? By activating your lucid dream energy and allowing those insights, and transference to take place.

We are more than simply just creatures made to live day by day in a physical world. We are part of a source of greater light, but it is a light that lies dormant within us. A source of light that can be activated via lucid dreams. A source of answers to any questions regarding our past, present, or future. Activate your nightly dreams to get the right answers to connect with all that you desire and deserve in your daily life… or simply enjoy a lucid dream of exploration and discovery. There are so many choices to make as to what kind of lucid dream you would like to have - the choice is up to you.

Will you be able to create that spark within your own energy and live out your lucid dreams?


If you would like to access our FREE GUIDE please go here: "Lucid Dream Tonight!" Guide.